Goodbye For Now

Typing this on my dads iPad so it’s not going to be long but I did just want to say a temporary “official” goodbye. If you’ve been following my blog, you likely know that I’ll be joining my parents on an international cruise tomorrow to Europe. Unfortunately this means no free wifi anymore to even attempt at blogging. If I am able to get on for a couple minutes, I will try and throw a shout out on my Twitter (@unstablewarrior) which updates in the sidebar to the right. I will miss my connections a lot but I’m hoping this time will be good. And hopefully when I return, I’ll have stories, pictures, and be able to (somewhat) confidently scratch off GW1 as met. #CrossingFingers!!

Sleeping meds are kicking in so I better go. I love you all, thank you for reading and support, and I hope your next five weeks go well. Until then… ❤



Since creating my Twitter, I’ve been loving it. Keeping up following blogs is so difficult since they’re so long. Having a Twitter account is so refreshing because I can follow thirty or forty people and actually keep up on reading all the tweets. Not only do I feel more connected to people than I ever have, I also feel heard. If I can keep up, so can others who are following me. (22 so far, thank you everyone!!) It’s awesome since I can tailor my tweet following to whatever I’m obsessing about at the moment. For instance, right now I’m following 22 people. They consist of a mixture of other BPDs, some support groups for BPD and DBT, a couple self-harmers and support groups, and more recently, lots of other ana-mia’s (anorexic and bulimics.) When I read my morning updates, I get a list of updates tailored to exactly how I’m feeling. Some anger against having BPD and mood swings. Some updates on cutting. And, since I’ve become more and more obsessive about my weight loss, lots of new “thinsporation”. At first, seeing others who’ve been losing weight for years made me feel really shitty about myself. They’re all where I’d kill to be, 140lbs, 115lbs, even a few at 105lbs or lower. Having just hit 235lbs this morning, I felt extremely fat. But after I got over my self-pity, I realized that they can be my motivators. Many of these girls lean on each other for support. They provide a level of understanding that they don’t get in their real lives. (Uh, HELLO! SAME PLACE!) Being a part of this community makes me feel important and heard. I feel like I can post anything and they’ll get it. For someone who’s as anti-social and lonely as I am, being a part of an understanding group is… fulfilling. Seriously, I kind of feel like crying right now. I feel like I have friends. I feel empowered by my new support group. Along with getting ideas, seeing others that have done this and do it every day makes me think that I can too. I can drop this weight. I can be skinny. I can do anything.

I once again feel like I’m cherry-picking my disorders, but I don’t care. This is MY life and I can live it however I choose. I’ve been unable to cut in weeks. I never decided to give it up on my own, I was forced to by my parents’ constant supervision. Perfect example, yesterday out of the blue my father asked to see my arms. Since I’d been clean (even though it’s SUCKED) I was able to lift my sleeves up without issue. Since I’m hiding other things, like my vomiting, I need to convince them I’m doing better so they don’t get suspicious. Yesterday, I finally cracked my DBT work book that my mom bought me and started reading. In the first chapter, it gave coping skills for self-harmers. One of them really caught my attention. It was “Using a red felt-tip pen, draw lines on your body where you would normally cut. Use a black pen to add ‘stitches’. If this is not enough, hold an ice-cube in your hand or snap a rubber band on your wrist.” Or something along those lines. When we went to the store, I picked up red and silver sharpies, black sharpie fine-point pens, and rubber bands. Though I’d heard about the rubber bands before, I underestimated their power. They really hurt and I can even slide them up my arm and snap exactly where I’d normally cut. It gives all the pain of an actual cut without leaving marks or scars. (Which for me is a downfall since that was part of the appeal. But compromise.) I started using the red sharpie and experimented with location and thickness. I tried the black sharpie pen to add “stitches” but I didn’t like the way it looks. Number one, I’ve never gotten stitches before, nor have I ever seen a cutter get stitches. Most of the time, the hospitals use staples instead, which is exactly why I picked up a silver sharpie too. Using it, I drew three thick silver blocks over a couple of red lines. I don’t mind it. I however have never been one to clean my wounds. I much preferred to leave them to bleed through my clothes, scab over mixed with lint, and often picked at them for weeks until they healed. The “staples” are a nice change-up when I feel like getting more artsy on my arm, but as far as long-term effect, I think I like getting as close to how I used to cut as possible. Thus, the red sharpie on its own is perfect. With the rubber bands to simulate pain. I’ve also found that when I draw over my scars, it simulates the feeling of a cut when I run my fingers over it (another old habit.) So, I get the feel of the cutting, see the red line, and get to feel the “cut” after with my fingers. It stays bright red which is even better than real cuts which fade and turn dark after a day or two. I can also easily redo each line daily so they stay “fresh”. It’s really cool. I never thought I’d actually like a coping skill, but I admit that it’s scary close to the real thing feeling-wise. I still think that I want to continue cutting once I return to GA and get my knives back from Ryan, but I’m not going to say for sure yet. My brain tends to only fixate on one thing at a time. Maybe this coping skill to help me kick cutting (at least temporarily) will help me better fixate on my weight loss. After all, it’s going to require almost all my attention. Eating is second nature to me and if I’m not careful, I may do it without thinking. It’s going to require constant attention. Anyways, if any of you are struggling with cutting and want to quit, TRY this. It sounds super silly and retarded, I know. And I may only like it so much since I love art and being creative, but it’s been working for me. Nine years of self-harm, I’ve never found something I like as much as cutting. It’s a weird feeling, drawing on yourself. Growing up, I used to get yelled at by my parents for drawing on myself. So this is one of those things for me that I’m like, I shouldn’t do this, I’m going to get in trouble. Then I realize I’m an adult now, despite the circumstances of being with my parents temporarily, and I can do what the fuck I want. I even took the silver sharpie and drew some stars on my ankle. I really like it. I’ve always been into tattoos since they are art with your body as a canvas, so I can’t believe I never thought of this before. I’m really excited to continue doing it. Maybe Ryan will let me draw on him too, that way I can use the whole body if I want instead of just the places I can reach on my own with my right hand. Ooo, maybe I can draw his Ellis tattoo on his arm to see how it would look before he gets it. That would be so cool!

While at the store, I also picked up a full set of graphite pencils. My parents did get me a set of four but they only went from 2H to 2B. If you sketch at all, you know how little of a spectrum this is. I found a set of 12 pencils, ranging from 4H to 8B, in a tin case for only like $10. I also got a white triangle eraser. I’m hoping that this will encourage me to sketch more since I love love love it and it’s a huge stress-reliever. Pretty stoked about it. I just need inspiration. I am terrible at sketching things out of my head so I usually have a picture or, occasionally I can do it from a real life object. Perfect example of that is my arms, which I adore sketching when I can’t cut since I can add cuts to my arm in my drawing. Maybe I should print some pictures to stick in my sketchbook before I leave. That way when I feel like drawing but have no ideas on hand, I can skim through my pictures. I know what I like to draw, I usually just need a visual. I like drawing dark images involving my thoughts. So, knives, cutting, so on. With my new addiction to weight loss, pictures of food or scales might be good to have. I’m terrible at drawing people so I tend to try and avoid bodies and faces if at all possible.

I’m really nervous about going on the trip, now less than a week away. I haven’t gone five weeks without internet and phone access in a very long time. And with my increasing reliance on my internet communities and blogging, I’ve afraid of what losing that outlet is going to feel like. A week is relaxing. Five weeks sound unbearable. I’m strangely excited not to have to deal with Ryan. Yes, God knows I love him, but he’s very clingy and sometimes (a lot of times, sadly) I just don’t want to deal with him. He calls several times a day if I don’t pick up or respond. Sometimes I’m glad for this, to have a man so dedicated for me, but sometimes I’m just like, Jesus, get a life and leave me alone for one fucking day! I’m ashamed of those feelings. It’s not just him. I would feel the same about anyone who harasses me like that. But no one else does because I don’t really have anyone else. I’m more devastated about losing my Twitter and WordPress outlets for five weeks than I am about losing contact with Ryan. Is that wrong? Keep in mind that I will be picking Ryan up in Canada to come be with me forever only two days after I get back to GA. Though immigration will be far from over (there’s still Adjustment of Status – AOS – and onto Naturalization, which takes years) the part that keeps us apart will be and we’ll no longer have to be separated. I can’t wait for that day, I really can’t. But talking to him now only reminds me that we’re not together and it makes me sad. I’d rather dive into my weight loss and other things, avoiding his memory completely until we actually get to be together. It hurts so much to be without him and talking to him only makes me hurt more. He doesn’t really understand that, and for him it’s the opposite. Not talking to me makes him hurt more. So I try to compromise and answer the phone when I have the time to talk and am not in a terrible mood. I’ve been really putting forth the effort to resolve arguments rather than letting them fester (like the thing about his hurtful comment a few days ago. It took two days, but we did work it out. It was hard, but I knew I wanted to put it behind us.) So it’s not like I’m doing what I’d like and flat-out ignoring him because I know that would be awful for him and I can’t imagine how I’d feel if I were in his shoes. But am I relieved to not have to talk to him for the last five weeks of our distance? Yes. Absolutely. If that makes me a terrible person, so be it. I can’t help it. Losing the ability to connect with my support on Twitter and to vent and blog on here is going to be unbearable. I can’t help feeling that everyone is going to leave me when I’m gone. I don’t think too many people actually read these things, but after seeing no activity for weeks, I know I’m going to lose a lot of “followers”. I don’t blame them. But it hurts. It’s not my fault. My dad just bought an Ipad 3 (faggot Apple…) but the WiFi on the ship is outrageously expensive! I’m talking $0.75 a minute. And my dad said that free WiFi in Europe is really rare. Not like we’ll be stopping for long periods of time anyways, so it’s almost irrelevant. If they have an internet cafe or something, I will absolutely get on. But I doubt it. And I’ll be unable to use my phone since my provider will charge me up the ass for international usage IF I can even get service. I don’t want my followers to leave me. I don’t want to come back only to find myself alone… I’ll do everything I can. I’ll blog on notepad and post it if I can get any time online. But I’m not getting my hopes up. The only thing I hold on to is the fact that the ship has a gym. And five weeks out of contact means that I’ll have all the time in the world to drop this fucking weight and shock everyone when I return. I love shock-factor. I just keep thinking, I can’t wait to see Ryan’s face. If I reach my goal weight by the time I get back (200lbs,) I’ll have lost 75lbs since seeing him last. He hasn’t seen any pictures or anything. So him seeing me after that much change will make me feel so good (I hope). I want to see his jaw hit the floor. I want him to get insta-erection. I want him to drool. I’ve never seen a man really truly want me. No matter how much guys say they want me, I just don’t feel it. I don’t see the hunger in their eyes. I don’t see the desire. I’m a fat pig. I’m grotesquely obese. I am DONE being like this. I want to see all eyes on me when I walk into a room. I want to hold Ryan’s arm and have him be PROUD to have me. Most importantly, I want to look at myself in the mirror and for once not feel like puking. I want to walk into that tattoo parlor, 75lbs lighter, proud of myself and confident getting my wings after all the work. And I’ll know that it won’t stop there because I’ll know, If I can break 200 pounds… I can do anything. That’s a powerful feeling, something I’ve not really felt.

My new Twitter thinsporation community has motivated me to start fasting. I’ve never been successful at keeping food out of my mouth (without meth as a helper), but with their support, I’m hoping I can do it successfully. I think my first goal is three days. It sounds reasonable for a first-time faster. I see girls on my Twitter feed that have gone a week, so it can’t be impossible. I will do this. I control my body, it does not control me.

200lbs, here I come.

Fuckin’ Perfect

I can’t express enough how much this song, and more importantly, this music video means to me. I praise Pink for having the balls to show the truth that too many of us live by every fucking day of our lives. I feel more and more like I can’t speak out because my life is taboo. But then how can I hope to get better? Do I even have hope anymore? Do I even want to get better? God, help me…

“Fuckin’ Perfect” by Pink

Made a wrong turn once or twice
Dug my way out, blood and fire
Bad decisions, that’s alright
Welcome to my silly life

Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood
Miss ‘No way, it’s all good’
It didn’t slow me down.
Mistaken, always second guessing
Underestimated, look I’m still around

Pretty, pretty please, don’t you ever, ever feel
Like you’re less than fucking perfect
Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel
Like you’re nothing, you’re fucking perfect to me

You’re so mean when you talk
About yourself. You were wrong.
Change the voices in your head
Make them like you instead.

So complicated,
Look happy, You’ll make it!
Filled with so much hatred
Such a tired game
It’s enough, I’ve done all I could think of
Chased down all my demons
I’ve seen you do the same
(Ohh ohhhhhhh)

Pretty, pretty please, don’t you ever, ever feel
Like you’re less than fucking perfect
Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel
Like you’re nothing, you’re fucking perfect to me

The whole world’s scared, so I swallow the fear
The only thing I should be drinking is an ice cold beer
So cool in line and we try try try but we try too hard
And it’s a waste of my time.
Done looking for the critics, cause they’re everywhere
They don’t like my jeans, they don’t get my hair
Exchange ourselves and we do it all the time
Why do we do that, why do I do that (why do I do that)?

I’m Pretty, pretty, pretty

Pretty, pretty please, don’t you ever, ever feel
Like you’re less than fucking perfect
Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel
Like you’re nothing, you’re fucking perfect to me
(You’re perfect, you’re perfect)
Pretty, pretty please, don’t you ever, ever feel
Like you’re less than fucking perfect.
Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel
Like you’re nothing, you are perfect to me.

30 Days of Truth – Day 11

Since I’m already so far behind and really in a writing mood right now, I’m going to do Day 11 today too. Plus, the topics have finally gotten off of people, which is a nice change.

Day 11 : Something People Seem To Compliment You The Most On

This is an easy one, surprisingly: my teeth. Not necessarily my smile, although they do intertwine occasionally, but more specifically, my teeth. I have very naturally straight teeth. It’s been one of my (very) few physical gifts. I’m often asked if I’ve ever had braces (which is no). Also, despite the five years of smoking cigarettes and year of pot use, my teeth are still unstained and fairly white. I’ve really tried to take good care of my teeth by at least brushing twice a day. During my brief meth use, I was so paranoid about “meth mouth” (even though I was snorting it) that I brushed four to five times a day. It’s been one of those weird obsessive things. I’m crazy about my teeth. I recently chipped two teeth on my tongue ring. It was at the movie theatre and I was going crazy running my tongue over the small indents. I’d never had anything happen to my teeth before. I even scheduled a dentist appointment to have them looked at (I was well-overdue for a cleaning anyways.) They’re very very small chips that even the dentist couldn’t find them without my pointing them out. My dentist warned me that the tongue ring could be detrimental to my teeth. I now chew primarily on the left side of my mouth (which I for some reason never bite my jewelry) and make sure to go slow. I still run my tongue over those chips to remind myself to be extra careful. It’s because of this that I don’t believe my tongue ring will last long. I think eventually my obsessiveness will overrule my rebelliousness, especially if a worse chip or crack occurs.

Nice to know that regardless of how obese I am, I at least have a pretty smile. Sigh…

30 Days of Truth – Day 10

I realize I’ve really neglected my 30 Days of Truth and at this rate they’re going to take six months, but I’d rather wait until I’m feeling like writing and giving really in-depth answers than forcing it and giving two-sentence answers. The instability of my living situation lately hasn’t helped either. Oh well. Here we go.

Day 10 : Someone You Need To Let Go, Or Wish You Didn’t Know

I know I’ve used David in one of my previous questions, but I really don’t know that many people, and he fits this situation best. If you’ve been following my blog, you’ll know that things with my ex, David, have been… interesting lately, to say the least. After my last conversation about him with Ryan, I really feel like I’ve let it go finally, but with him, I never know for sure.

David is like my crack. No matter how much I think I’ve “kicked the habit”, he somehow ends up back in my life in time. I have such an addiction to him. I honestly don’t know how to describe it any other way. I don’t believe that I love him anymore, but I can’t resist this weird attachment to him. Going back, I notice that I met Ryan so soon after ending that very long and heartbreaking relationship and part of me thinks that this is due to never fully dealing with the break-up. Yes, I initiated it. Yes, it was long overdue. And yes, he royally pissed me off after I left, leaving me with little residual feelings. But the truth is that I never thought that I could leave David and stay gone. So I ran. I ran as far as I possibly could, from Oregon all the way to Georgia. I took myself so far away from him that I physically could not go back if I wanted to. (Remember when I said that I usually “trick” myself into doing or not doing something? This is one of those situations.) And after I got to Georgia, the loneliness set it pretty bad. I started drinking and worked like a horse, regularly 50-60 hours a week. And I missed him. Knowing now what I know, I attribute (attribute, not blame) many of these feelings to the BPD. My feelings of attachment ran so deep that even though I was miserable with David, I still wanted to be with him. Fortunately, I met Ryan instead.

With what’s been going on recently with the staying under my parent’s close supervision, the hospitalizations, drug abuse, and strong suicidal feelings, it’s brought me incredibly emotionally close to Ryan. He’s been so supportive, and even more importantly, self-sufficient lately that it’s shooed away all doubts about getting married. It’s also removed all residual feelings for David and given me a stronger feeling that I can (and recently have) let go of that relationship. My openness with Ryan about my attachment and his understanding and love despite that has given me a lot of strength. I’m not sure if I mentioned it before, but I actually told Ryan last time we spoke about this that I absolutely appreciated his trust in letting me deal with David without inferring. I also told him that if David tries to come back into my life again, I need him to step in. It was incredibly difficult for me to say this because it meant admitting that I felt powerless over David and didn’t trust myself to stay away from him. It meant admitting that I need someone’s help. I hate asking for help. It makes me feel weak and, after being abused and taken advantage of in all of my relationships (before Ryan), I promised myself that I would never feel helpless like that again. I would take care of myself. I’m fiercely independent and I don’t want anyone to take that away from me. However, being with Ryan, I realize that a true relationship is a partnership and each half needs to trust the other and be able to lean on them when they need help. And everyone needs help sometimes, whether they admit it or not. It sucks, believe me, I know. But it’s the truth. Ryan has more than proven himself worthy of this privilege over the last year. (Wow, has it really been a year already?! Crazy!) He knows everything that’s happened over the last couple months and knows that the next several are going to be insanely hard. He knows that I’m going to put him through the hardest times he’s ever endured. He knows I’m fucking psychotic. But… he loves me anyway. Ryan has proved to me, a cynic of all cynics, that unconditional love does exist. I have been dealt a pretty shitty hand in life and make it even harder on myself, but I have this man standing by my side through thick and thin. He treats me like a princess, loves me no matter what, gives me the best sexual experiences I’ve ever had, and is fucking sexy as hell. Because of that (even if it’s only that), I consider myself a very lucky girl.

So David? I’m done with him. I’m ready to let go.

Joining The Twitter Nation

Likely out of sheer boredom and curiousity toward the Twitter-nation, I jumped on the train today. My personal Facebook seems to be heavily weighted with dark, ugly posts lately. After creating a personal Twitter to use with Ryan, I started searching for possible answers on Borderline. Several hashtags later, I broke and created a second Twitter account for my blogger profile. I’m not sure if I will even use it but I figure after today’s episode that I need something. I was very close to choking down my entire 90-day supply of Seroquel in a final attempt at my life. It took over an hour on the phone with Ryan and a hot shower to calm my crazy-ass down. I was posting “warnings” of sorts on my Facebook, but none of my 14 friends seemed to care, which only further pushed me down the drain instead of lifting me out of it. I realized that all similar posts go seemingly unnoticed. My “friends” and “family” don’t know what to do. They don’t know how to handle me or what to say so they don’t say anything. Wrong answer, folks. Leaving me alone to deal is about the worst thing you can do. But how do you know that? I’m a disorder, nothing more, right? No one knows what the fuck to do. My loving fiance doesn’t even know. He’s desperately searching, talking more and more to an online friend of his who has the same disorder. Looking for answers, same as I. How would he know? I don’t even know. My parents don’t even know. Today, I felt like I was drowning with no one to save me. I yelled at the one person who was trying. I believe I even said (or yelled, rather), “You can’t save me!” The truth hurts. I need an outlet and am in desperate need of understanding which is the one thing I’m not getting here. I’m not getting stability or understanding. They try, but I only feel imprisoned. This is no better than being at a hospital. Maybe worse, in fact, because I’m instead surrounded by uneducated people who care which means that I have to hold back every freakout and every emotion is under scrutiny. The only way it differs is that I get complete control of my medication… which as you’ve noticed is obviously not the best thing.

The walls in my head are as much prison as I need without being in a physical prison as well.

I just took a break to go to dinner with my parents when they came home and have lost all track of my thoughts. We don’t leave the country for another week, so they’ll be a couple more blogs before my 5-week-long hiatus. Until next time.

If you’d like to follow my thoughts in between blog posts, you can follow me on Twitter @UnstableWarrior.

Family Relationships – Hiding The Shame?

My day today has been absolutely horrible. It started with several nightmares from last night. One I don’t remember in particular, but the feeling behind it had to do with a show my mother was watching before bed. It was on inmates serving life-sentences. I remember telling my mom that I don’t know how they do it, life without parole. I would off myself before I’d spend my life in a cage. So one nightmare, like I said, I don’t recall specifics, but the feeling was about me in that situation. A hopeless, endless situation where I just wanted to die. After that, an even worse nightmare plagued my mind regarding my one and only happiness. Ryan. My nightmare took the form of my worst fear. Not my worst fear, I suppose. But one of them. Before I go into that, let me breifly recall an actual conversation of Ryan and I from several months back.

At one point, around December, I actually pitched the idea of an open relationship to Ryan. I was lonely and hypersexual, not to mention this was the first time I started getting stoned every day, so my judgement was not at its peak. I basically was asking for permission to cheat. I hated myself for it but it was the start of a perceived 6-month separation and I was starting to literally lose my mind. There is no excuse and I’m not defending it. This is just what it is. I’m ashamed, but it is what it is. I can’t take it back, no matter how much I wish I could. It was, of course, roundly rejected. Ryan couldn’t imagine being with anyone else and I knew in my heart that I couldn’t either. I was blinded by hypersexuality and arousal. And I had offers. A man who openly invited me for a friendly fuck. I knew if I cheated on Ryan, I would never forgive myself. Once a cheater, always a cheater. I’ve believed it since I started dating, and I still believe it to this day. I never did, fortunately.

My nightmare placed Ryan and I in a high school, for whatever reason. Same relationship, but we were together. Well… there was this girl. Mexican, petite, not amazingly pretty but well-off. They were friends and I could see it becoming more. I saw the way Ryan looked at her. I remember finding him cutting class to be with her. We argued. I asked why he was with her instead of being in class. I screamed at him that he was WITH ME. We were TOGETHER. “You’re my fiance! Why are you with her?!” I remember. He asked me. He looked me in the eye and asked for an open relationship. I’ve never felt words cut so deep. I saw him look back at her. His eyes glowed with her image. And I woke up.

The problem with dreams and nightmares is that, even though you know they’re fake… that they’re all in your head… they feel real. And this felt so terribly real to me that it shook me up pretty bad. The only fortunate thing about the recent events is that it’s somehow brought Ryan and I closer. I realize how much he really puts up with and deals with because he loves me so greatly. And feeling that faith be shaken by such a horrible scene that my brain cooked up for me to sleep on… The knife cut deep. I felt myself losing more of my sanity as each day passes. I feel like I’m getting worse, not better. I immediately started obsessing about meth again, craving so badly that my brain scrambled to think of someone, anyone, that I could buy off in Oregon. I briefly concocted a plan to contact my ex, who use to transport drugs and is very well networked, and beg him for a hook-up. It was a long shot that I was preparing to take. And I probably would have tried… if I had a car. Since I’ve been with my parents, nearly attached at the hip to the point that I cheer everytime I’m alone enough to even fucking masterbate, I’ve been without my own transportation. I knew this plan was flawed, and even if I got far enough to get a hook-up, I’d never make it to him/her without my parents noticing something. This whole thought-process just broke my spirit to nothing. I hated that I felt trapped in a prison. I didn’t want to go on the cruise, I didn’t want one more second with my parents. I just wanted drugs. Meth. Meth will make it all better. Meth will help me regain control, somehow. Meth will either make it all better or destroy me from the inside-out. I was ready, prepared to swallow the bullet. And with each desperate thought, I felt myself losing control. By the time my mother got to where we were going, a flea market to spend the afternoon with several other family members (who I did NOT want to see, only further infuriating me) heavy-lifting items in and out of trucks, I was at a peak. I walked in, made a few smart remarks and walked out. I walked a lap around the small parking lot, crying behind my sunglasses, hiding behind my hoody and headphones. Finally I tucked myself into the backseat of my father’s truck (which had tinted windows) and started to fully lose it. I hated myself for being so weak and I was so consumed with shame that I just cried and cried for hours. My diagnosis flew through my brain. That was my life-sentence. Borderline was, is, my very existance. Again, shame and self-pity shrowded me and I let my hoody swallow me. I cried and cried until my eyes felt raw, then cried some more. I asked myself again and again why God hated me so much to sentence me to a life of pain and self-hate. What did I do in a past-life that was so horrible that I deserved this? That question consumed my brain for hours. Why does everyone else get it so fucking easy and I struggle with even the simplest tasks? Why am I blessed with a peaceful night’s sleep only once every two to three weeks? WHY AM I LIKE THIS?? The idea of being officially diagnosed with Borderline and Bipolar II felt sickening. Something I’d been waiting for my whole life was now becoming the bane of my existance. A few weeks ago, I wanted nothing more than to be diagnosed. I wanted an answer. Now I have one, and I’m again unsatisfied. BPD is not like Depression. People get Depression like they get the flu. It comes and goes. Borderline is a personality disorder. I was born this way and I will die this way. This is me.

I was so angry. My family members (consisting of my mother, father, brother, grandmother, two cousins, and one cousin’s husband) moved all the heaviest items by themselves. I was locked inside my head for hours. After checking the time, I realized that Ryan would be home from work soon and frantically sent him a message on Facebook, telling him I was having a bad day and begging for a phone call. Within 30 minutes, my phone buzzed. Ryan. Thank God. Or somebody. It wasn’t fast enough to keep me from hurting myself. Nobody knows that though. While I was still in the backseat just before my dad came to get ready to move the truck across the city in transport, I broke a plastic hanger I’d grabbed from the floor and rebroke it until I found a sharp-enough point. It wasn’t sharp enough for a cut, but I was able to reopen a wound on my wrist that had been pretty-well healed-up. I immediately felt a calming sensation about me.

Talking to Ryan worked surprisingly well to calm me down. I originally got worked up again as I asked him the questions plaguing my head for the last few hours. But after about forty minutes of crying on the phone with him, we started to actually talk. I don’t know how it happened, but before long, I was laughing with him over his brother’s stupid antics and Oakley’s typical nonsense. I was excited that I’d see him in seven short weeks and felt closer than ever before we hung up. I built up the courage to help my mom finish packing when we got back to the flea market and our family made plans to meet up at Olive Garden for a family dinner with my brother’s girlfriend involved. (Total, it was myself, mom, dad, my brother Cal, and his girlfriend Gina.)

It was a nice dinner. I shared a dish with my father and was good about eating fast and making my normal trip to the bathroom to purge. My purging was not as good as it normally is and I would have done more but the restaurant was really busy and people were like LURKING in the fucking bathroom. I saw a lady in the stall next to me stop to pick up pieces of paper off the floor with tissue and there was a lady who just hung out in her stall for several minutes, doing what sounded like nothing. Normal bathroom users I can typically handle. But this was a revolving door of bathroom LINGERERS. I did the best I could and got most of it, I think, since I hadn’t gone completely crazy at dinner anyways. I threw up until my throat burned with bile and managed to quickly wash my hands and face when the restroom was temporarily empty.

Moreso than my eating habits, my interactions with my family, specifically my brother, is what took my attention during dinner. Like I wrote above, his girlfriend was able to come, a rare treat for us. I enjoy her company. I’ve only met her a handful of times since my brother and I are not at all close even though they’ve been dating for years. My relationship with my brother has been nonexistant until just a few weeks ago. After my parents used him to get ahold of me when they couldn’t, he started getting back into Facebook right as I was using it more to vent. I was starting to lose control and everyone on my FB was an observer of the madness, whether they liked it or not. I think this started our recent bonding. He started getting more and more interested as time went on. I felt him watching me from afar. I was worrying him, another rarity in our relationship. Since I’ve been home, my mother has talked to him, I assume, about my illness and struggles. She said she did this for my benefit so he can try and “understand me”. Understanding was not the issue that drew us apart so much as selfishness. On both halves. We just chose our own lives. His being around and wanting to start a relationship has me thinking about our interactions to an almost-obsessive level. His raised eyebrows have always been an indicator of an over-the-top remark. He’ll narrow his eyes to a glare at me if I bring up a subject deemed by him as “too much” or “touchy”. (For example, I’m getting married. So marriage has been on my mind and I’ve asked his intentions of him and his girl. I like her. I want to see him settle down. I want us to have something in common. But it’s too much for him. He won’t talk about it.) I’ve started to really break down my relationship with my brother. I’ve come to the conclusion that we have nothing in common… I feel awkward around him. I feel like I need to watch what I say because it may be too dark or disturbing to him. Being someone who’s felt censored much of her life, I don’t like the idea of having to be around people that I need to be careful about what I say. I want to be myself. I want to say what I say, do what I do. And I want them to love me anyways. If this disorder takes over my life, as it’s been doing, I need to know that the people I associate with are strong enough to handle it, especially when I’m not. And I just don’t feel close to Cal. He’s a stranger to me. When talking to my dad on the way home, I realized why. I don’t know anything about him. I know the basics. His major in college, his job, where he lives, who he’s dating. I know he took a trip to Yellowstone, although I can’t recall how recently. What else do I know? What’s his favourite food? What does he do in his free time? What do him and Gina like to do together? I’ve never been to his house. I’ve met Gina maybe four times and they’ve been dating for… started just before David and I, so 2007 sometime. What is that, like five years? I know he wants a dog, but I don’t know what kind. He didn’t know about Oakley until tonight. I don’t even know if he knows that Mimi is mine. I don’t fucking know him. It’s no wonder I’m so nervous around him. I’m anti-social. I don’t do well with new people and he’s essencially a “new” person in my life. It’s a weird feeling. Having such a close family member that you know nothing about. We’re blood and this is what we’ve become. I’m ashamed of what I’ve become. He doesn’t know how to deal with me. How are we ever supposed to be family? And since when does something ever work out like it does in my head? I keep thinking that if we can establish a friendship, maybe our kids won’t have to be so alone. Maybe we could be a fucking family, for ONCE. He’ll settle down eventually, and with my parents planning to help Ryan and I move back west, I was hoping to rekindle that relationship. But I’ve now realized that this is impossible. There’s no relationship to rekindle.